Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 7: OnePOINTSix pounds away

I couldn't think of a title but that sounded good.  I'm feeling better than ever in week 7.  The weight loss has slowed down a bit.  I am still 1.6 lbs away from meeting my first 50lb goal.  I see the surgeon tomorrow and I had hoped to be there by then but we'll have to see.  I really need to get my ass to the gym but it hasn't happened recently.  It seems there has been something happening every night this week (and last week, and the week before that)  BUT...I have put it ON MY CALENDAR for March 11th, and every night thereafter.  I plan to go before March 11th of course, but that is the date of the start of Daylight Savings time and if it's on my calendar, it's a lot more likely to happen.  It won't feel like getting home at Midnight if I get home at 7pm.  Yay.  I finally have a little bit more energy and am feeling better than I have previously, so I know the time has come to get serious about the excercise.

Last night was my Support Group and I was really looking forward to it.  I was a little bit disappointed though because instead of the usual fare, where people talk about their experiences, there was a surgeon there who did a power point on plastic surgery options for people who have had bariatric surgery.  I have to admit, it was very interesting to see the before/after photos and the amazing difference it can make, but now I have to wait a whole month for the next group and what I get out of that time of sharing.   I think about all the things I would like to fix after I am done losing all my weight, but plastic surgery scares me.  The recovery just looks super painful and I don't know if I could do it.  Also, I think if you fix one thing you would want to fix everything.  Still thinking about it though.  I wouldn't do anything until possibly next Summer anyway.  Have you ever seen that show, "My Strange Addicition?"  There is a woman on there so addicted to having boob jobs that she has had over 20 of them and now has 38KKK boobs!!!  She cannot hold her baby or tie her own shoes BUT she was in a car accident and they saved her life.  So, there is that.

Food continues to be challenging.  I honestly don't feel like I'm eating enough and I know I am not getting anywhere even close to the amount of protein I should be getting in a day.  I will address this tomorrow with my surgeon and see what he suggests.  I am just so disinterested in food.  Still very thirsty all the time too.  Doing better with getting the vitamins in but they still haven't started me back on the calcium and iron.  I have found a trick to get my multi vitamin in...I eat a handful of walnuts at the same time and it masks the chalkiness of the vitamins.  In fact, I eat a lot of nuts.  The Doc told me to measure out 1,000 calories of nuts and eat them throughout the day.  I don't eat anywhere near 1,000 calories, but I might eat 500 calories of nuts.  Thats a good thing because I probably only eat about 400 calories of food, if that.

More and more people are coming up to me and saying they are following the blog.  It's great to hear that.  While I write in here for me so that I can look back and see how far I've come, I also write in here for the support and the encouragement that keeps me motivated through the good times and the difficult times.  So thanks to those of you who comment and also those of you who just let me know that you read and are following along.

I've been posting a lot of pics of myself lately on Facebook.  I'm kind of getting sick of my own face, to be honest, but I have to admit that it's kind of cool to see the changes.  So thanks for indulging me a little bit and now I will leave you with this....where the hell does one find a 38KKK bra?

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