Friday, January 20, 2012

Weigh to go-2 weeks post op

I've still been having a bit of a rough week.  Constant dry mouth, a bit depressed (not really sure why), constipated (sorry for the TMI, but it's a definite part of this surgery), still having a hard time figuring out the eating thing and just in general kinda cranky.

Wednesday night I decided I needed to get back to some normalcy, so Terry and I went to our standing Wednesday night dinner date at a local taqueria for our usual shrimp tacos.  I knew I couldn't eat the tortilla but I figured I would be okay to eat a couple shrimp with a little cheese on top.  I ended up only being able to eat 1 and a half shrimp and it had no flavor.  I did everything I could to spice it up a little.  Salsa, lime...still blah.  I am still only able to eat about 2-3 oz of food at a time but nothing tastes like anything to me so it's frustrating.  I might as well be eating a shoe.

After I left dinner, I went to Safeway and for some reason lunchmeat honey ham sounded good to me.  I have no idea why since that isn't something I would normally buy.  I brought it home and diced up a slice.  I had one bite and then I was over it.

My first week back to work has been great.  I have been feeling physically good for the most part and other than wishing I could sleep in when it's been ungodly cold in the mornings, I've been glad to be back and I really missed my girls and my clients.

It's been 17 days today since my surgery. My incisions are completely healed and the scars are very minimal. I saw my Surgeon yesterday for my 2 week post op check and he was so happy with my progress.  It made me feel good to know I am doing everything right because sometimes it's really easy to question yourself.  I have lost a total of 35 lbs since my first visit to him in October.  20 of those pounds in the past two weeks since Surgery.  I am cleared for all normal activities now and I can eat solid foods and introduce them gradually as I can tolerate them.  I'm very excited about that and to celebrate, last night I had 4 forkfulls of meatloaf and 1 brussel sprout.  Yes, that was my big dinner.  I ate it in a tiny little bowl.  My Mom said it must seem like everyone else that eats is eating like a pig because my portions are so teeny.  It's not that I think people look like they are eating like pigs, but sometimes I look at the portions people eat and think to myself, " wonder we, as a society are obese."  Obviously the portions I eat are not normal, and eventually I will be able to eat 1 to 1 1/2 cups of food at a time, but it really is true that American's, in general eat way bigger portions than our bodies need.

The Doc thinks my constant dry mouth is a hormonal thing that will pass.  I'm really hoping it passes soon.  It's been the absolute worst part of the whole process for me so far.

Being able to rock my new four inch heels all day and not having my feet hurt afer the first five minutes has been amazing.  Every day someone comments on how much of a difference they can already see.  Yesterday, I wore leggings for the first time and Tim could not believe how different my legs looked.

I guess putting up with a little dry mouth is worth it, don't you think?

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